halo :)
kali ini aku mau ngepost interview Skandar Keynes dengan jurnalis asal Lebanon hari minggu, 20 Maret 2011 yang lalu,
berikut interviewnya :
How would you introduce yourself?
My name is
Skandar Keynes. I have a Lebanese mother and a British father. Between
the ages of 12 and 19 I acted in three films as part of The Chronicles
of Narnia series, and I'm currently studying Arabic and Middle Eastern
History at the University of Cambridge.
You are English or an English citizen with a Lebanese mother. What does this mean to you?
Lebanese heritage is very important to me and I feel very attached to
Lebanon having spent a lot of time there on an almost yearly basis for
as long as I can remember. However, as you rightly put it, I only have
British citizenship and would hope that one day I will be able to attain
dual citizenship. At the same time however, I'm still attached to my
English roots and that side of my family and see no contradiction
between this and my affinity towards my Lebanese heritage.
I'm currently studying it at university because despite the odd words I
picked up from being there in my summers, I haven't learnt it properly
up until now. I'm really excited to become fluent and confident that I
will be able to speak properly. My vocabulary up until this point has
mainly been basic words you hear thrown around every day, but my
knowledge of grammar and any words that aren't spoken on a daily basis
is severely limited. filling in these rather large gaps has proved to be
a really rewarding exercise so far.
How were you chosen for the films?
was really in the right place at the right time. I attended a small
acting class after school on Thursdays, which was basically for a bit of
fun, and a casting agent walked into one of the classes and realised
that I looked about right for the part and that I'd fit well with the
others who they'd already chosen.
Would you like to be an actor in the future?
the moment I'm focusing on my degree which I'm really enjoying so far
and I'm not going to do anything that might jeopardise that. In four
years when I'm finished I'll see how I feel and what I want to do then
but it's really too early to be saying exactly what I want to do as a
career in my life when I still have four years of university ahead of
How do you feel about the film being shown in Lebanon?
think it's great! One of my favourite moments of the whole Narnian
experience was seeing the second film being shown in Lebanon. I know
it's a relatively small market when you compare it to the rest of the
world but it still means a lot to me.
How do you assess the film? And do you think it is directed at kids only?
was really happy with the final product the first time I saw it and
think that everybody did a great job in bringing this film together,
especially after we had so many problems along the way with Disney
pulling out at one point. I do think that fundamentally this is a
children's film but I don't think that has to mean that only kids can
enjoy it. It's meant for the whole family and the child inside all of
us. If an adult approaches it as a children's film and a bit of fun
there's no reason why they can't enjoy it too. With that said, there are
also many undercurrants throughout the film and the whole series that
are aimed more at adults and which the kids won't pick up.
Do you think the lesson learned of the movie is the conflict between good and evil?
think that the conflict between good and evil is definitely a key theme
in this film in a very raw form. However, I believe the lesson learnt
from this film isn't so much that it's inevitable that good will defeat
evil, but that it requires strength of character to overcome personal
temptations and triumph over evil, and that this is by no means an
inevitability simply because it's what is right.
Is it true that you don't like to appear frequently in the media? Are you in general shy?
not that I'm particularly shy but I just don't like the idea of
publicising myself as a 'celebrity'. I don't really enjoy being
recognized and I feel that putting my face out there inevitably leads to
people bugging me more that I want. I mean I know that this is all
rather silly considering I'm an actor in a big budget film but I don't
see why I can't be a part of that and relish the challenge of acting and
being a part of that team working towards the final product. I don't
like it when it crosses over to my private life too much, and sometime I
feel television leads to that.
What are your ambitions and yor dreams?
now my immediate ambitions are to master the Arabic language and to be
comfortable in my ability to speak it and succeed in my degree. In terms
of dreams though I don't have anything specific because I know that a
lot is going to change in my university time and I can't predict how I'm
going to feel after four years.